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DC Comics: Plastic Man 1:10 Scale Statue

Iron Studios | Comic beelden & figuren
DC Comics: Plastic Man 1:10 Scale Statue
The most 'flexible' superhero from DC gets a new exclusive statue by Iron Studios!

Just like the slippery shape of an eel fish, which was his nickname in the past as an outlaw, the most playful superhero and pop culture's humoristic icon twists himself around a fire hydrant, stretching like a serpent while creates a miniature version of himself appearing on the palm of his left hand. Possessor of a unique and completely moldable body chemistry, with the power to shape his body into any imaginable form, over a base of a concrete sidewalk, Iron Studios present the newest version of the statue of the most flexible of all superheroes, 'Plastic Man Exclusive Ver. - DC Comics series #9 - Art Scale 1:10', with his inseparable sunglasses and his red, yellow, and black costume as pliable as his body.

Patrick 'Eel' O'Brian is a former criminal that, during an unsuccessful robbery, after diving into a cauldron with an unknown industrial chemical which entered his blood via a bullet wound, caused a process of mutation in his entire body which transformed his physiology, turning O'Brian into a fluid-state being, not completely liquid or solid, with total control over his structure. O'Brian's discontent with his criminal life and his wish to reshape himself made him adopt the code name Plastic Man and start acting as a detective and superhero, being able to stretch his limbs and body into superhuman size and length without a known limit. Capable of altering his density, becoming as dense as a rock or as flexible as a rubber band. O'Brian can even shrink to some centimeters of height, taking the shape of a pocket in Batman's utility belt, or becoming larger than a skyscraper, and is able to alter his strength by enlarging or adding more muscles. Even though he is one of the planet's most powerful entities because of the unlimited nature of his powers, he has a relaxed and cheerful attitude towards life which causes many people to not take him seriously. He acted as a Justice League member, in the All-Star Squadron and in The Freedom Fighters. The only limit to O'Brian's powers is related to his colors, which he can't change without intense concentration. He usually doesn't like this ability and keeps his costume in the yellow and red colors. Even with this limitation, Plastic Man is able to transform into an exact duplicate of uncountable red/yellow/black items.

Created by Jack Cole in 1941, he was originally a Quality Comics character during the Golden Age of Comic Books, later his rights were acquired by DC Comics, becoming a part of the cast of characters in DC's universe. Plastic Man was one of the first superheroes to incorporate humor into the conventional action narrative. Already available for Pre-Order, presented on the Inside Iron Studios Day of April, check out other future releases from the universe of DC and much more on Iron Studios' social media and YouTube channel

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Logo Iron Studios
  • SKU: MC-5835
  • Fabrikant: Iron Studios
  • GTIN: 0618231955299
  • Categorie: Beelden & Figuren
  • Genre: Comic
  • Schaal: 1:10
  • Hoogte: ~ 16 cm
  • Gewicht: ~ 3 kg
  • Beschikbaarheid: PREORDER
  • Aanbetaling: 10%
  • Verwacht: Oktober 2024
  • €199,00