United Cutlery
The official products from United Cutlery can now be bought in our European shop. Missing a (recent) product from this manufacturer? Let us know!Lord of the Rings: High Elven War Helm
United Cutlery
The high sophistication of the Elven race carried over into the design of their armor and weapons. T..
Lord of the Rings: Sauron 1:2 Scale Helm
United Cutlery
The loyal servant of Melkor, Sauron terrorizes Middle-earth. Bring this frightening figure into your..
Lord of the Rings: Helm of King Theoden
United Cutlery
Théoden was the noble and courageous King of Rohan and Lord of the Riddermark. He led his people to ..
Lord of the Rings: Helm of Elendil
United Cutlery
Elendil, wise and fair King and builder of the strongholds of Gondor, kept watch over much of Middle..
Lord of the Rings: Gondorian Infantry Helmet
United Cutlery
This authentically detailed helmet is a reproduction of the helmet prominently featured in The Lord ..
Lord of the Rings: Helm of Isildur
United Cutlery
Fully functional & wearable. Reproduced from the actual prop helmets utilizing only the finest grade..
Lord of the Rings: Horn of Gondor 1:1 Scale Replica
United Cutlery
The Horn of Gondor was an heirloom of the Stewards of Gondor, fashioned by Vorondil from a horn of t..
Lord of the Rings: Gauntlet of Sauron Replica
United Cutlery
A handmade, fully functional actor-scale reproduction of the gauntlet worn by the Dark Lord Sauron i..
Lord of the Rings: Helm of Eomer 1:1 Scale Replica
United Cutlery
Éomer was a Man of Rohan and the eventual eighteenth King of Rohan, and first of the Third Line of t..